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The Eugene McDermott Scholars Program Alumni Association was organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes. The Association is composed of graduates of the Eugene McDermott Scholars Program of the University of Texas at Dallas, a Program that annually selects promising, high-achieving high school seniors and provides them with an education emphasizing intellectual and scientific development, leadership, community service, charitable giving, cultural enrichment, and international study.


The Association seeks to build and promote these educational goals by supporting and improving the quality of the Program’s student experience, advising the Program, and contributing to the progress and development of the University and the greater Dallas community.


Formed as a nonprofit corporation in the State of Texas on March 7, 2012, the Association performs the following specific activities:


  • Assist with the Program’s applicant recruitment efforts

  • Provide advice and input in the Program’s selection process

  • Mentor Eugene McDermott Scholars currently enrolled in the University and recently graduated from the University

  • Liaise with the University’s Alumni Association to build community and support for the University

  • Raise funds from Association members and members of the greater University and Dallas community

  • Provide financial support to the Scholars, the Program, and the University


As we work to support a more just, equitable, well-rounded, and generous community of leaders, we have adopted the following statements to further guide our efforts.

Engaging our network in the pursuit of leadership, scholarship and service in our communities and around the world.


  • Integrity: We are true to our values and transparent in our decisions and behavior.

  • Accountability: We are committed to continuous improvement and delivering on our goals.

  • Excellence: We empower and support Scholars and Alumni in personal, professional and academic development.

  • Impact: We focus our strengths to catalyze meaningful positive change.

  • Engagement: We give generously of ourselves in service of our communities.

  • Fellowship: We value diversity of experience and perspective, and we foster a sense of belonging founded in mutual respect and global citizenship.


President  Grace Topete

Secretary  Tyler Burkardt
Communications  Taylor Davis, Chair | Rachel Kyes | Ali Peterkort

Development  Reilly Martinez, VP | Erich Bao | Matthew Carpenter

Equity and Opportunity  Nina Haug, Chair | Andres Correa | Andrew Swanson 

Finance & Investment  Michael Seeligson, Treasurer | Bobby Janecka | Dhruv Narayanan | Abhi Raj
Grants & Special Ventures  Kayla Marcotte, Chair | Jonathan Lane | Abhi Raj | Kinnari Karia

Legal  Devarati Das, Chair | Elizabeth Organ

Membership  Monica Lou, Chair | Saheli Nath | Brady Spenrath

Program & Events  Hans Ajieren, Chair | Logan Acton | Caitlynn Fortner
Recruitment & Selection  Alex Garcia Topete, Chair | Elizabeth Helfrich | Bradley Ritschel

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