University Emergency Medical Response (UEMR) is an Agency focused on providing campus-centered emergency medical care to the UT Dallas community. Generous grants help our agency ensure that we maintain a high standard of care to our fellow Comets. The Eugene McDermott Scholars Program Alumni Association, through their generous support, has allowed us to continue working on our mission for a safer UT Dallas.
During our first year, UEMR EMTs provided emergency medical services at various events on campus including athletic games, 5Ks, commencement, marathons, and more. Additionally, UEMR held countless Stop the Bleed trainings, CPR classes, and demonstrations for the UT Dallas community to educate students, faculty, and staff on emergency preparedness. Our providers, along with hundreds of UT Dallas students, have joined us on our mission to help build a safer UT Dallas community, and this would not be possible without the generous support of the Alumni Association.
UEMR began 911 operations in the Spring 2018 Semester. Due to a limited budget and a shortage of personnel, UEMR was only able to be in service five days a week from 2:30pm-10pm (UT Dallas’ peak traffic hours). During the Spring semester, we responded to over 40 medical emergencies and reduced the average EMS response time to 3 minutes. Since beginning our 911 operations, our providers have been given access to an incredible learning experience, further advancing their knowledge in the skills they will use in their future endeavors as medical professionals.

UEMR began 24/7 operations in the 2018 Fall semester. Since the beginning of the semester, our emergency callouts have increased by 133%. The Eugene McDermott Scholars Program Alumni Association’s grant has allowed the agency to expand in response to the increase in demand for our services, and the Alumni Association’s grant to UEMR directly contributes to student, faculty, staff, and visitor safety. Without the financial assistance from the Alumni Association, our agency expansion and 24/7 coverage would be a distant, unreachable goal. Some examples of the direct purchases from the Grant include the purchase of a second response vehicle (Medic 2), Active 911 dispatch memberships for providers, Naloxone and Epinephrine medication treatment expansion, and uniform upgrades.
UT Dallas welcomes nearly 30,000 people to its campus every day, and any of these individuals should have access to the best emergency health care possible while on the University’s campus. With the financial support of the Eugene McDermott Scholars Program Alumni Association grant, UEMR is able to provide a reliable and quicker medical resource to all 30,000 welcomed guests. The hard work and service from our providers on every shift makes UEMR one of the most service-oriented organizations on the UT Dallas campus, and we are proud that the Alumni Association chose to support us in our mission for a safer UT Dallas.
-- Umer Nadir (’15)